Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Dealing With Peer Pressure

When your peers try to make you do something that you don't wantto do, how can you get out of it without feeling embarrassed? Ifyou can't; just remember that being embarrassed is better thanbeing in trouble with the police or your parents.

Meanwhile,here are a few tips that other kids find helps them.

The simplest thing is to just say no. Keep on saying it and walkaway so you can't be persuaded.

Laugh and say...

"Sorry, but I belong to the No Club. We are not into that stuff."
"Oh, I gave that up last year."
"I'm not into that - my aunt just died of lung cancer." (Makethe disease appropriate to the temptation. E.g. if it's alcoholyou are being offered, make it cirrhosis of the liver).
"Isn't that idea rather childish?"
"Would you like it if someone said/did that to you?"
"My parents would kill me."
"I'm already grounded, thanks."
"Thanks for thinking of me, but I've got a hot date for thatnight."

Plan with your parents before you go out, that you will ringthem to come and get you if you are feeling too pressured. Toalert them to what is going on, you can plan to say you have abad earache or headache.

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